Objectives of the Centre
Objectives of the Centre
are as follows:
- To conduct phase equilibria study of
various synthetic systems pertaining to the genesis of igneous rocks.
- To study of the redox state of the mantle
and lower crust.
- To study of the structure of silicate
liquids formed under different P-T conditions and determination of their physical
- Determination of thermodynamic properties
of phases from devolatilization reactions.
- To study of P-T stability of minerals to
know about mantle petrology.
- Determination of electrical conductivity
and elastic constants of rocks under high P-T conditions.
- Meauremant of viscosity of silicate
- Determination of solubility of metals in
silicate liquids with halogens and
- Partitioning of trace and rare earth
elements under crystal-liquid equilibrium condition at liquidus under mantle P-T
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